The Feren OS Dev
2 min readApr 25, 2020


It’s too late now. If it makes you more comfortable to know then at least know that even if you vote it would not have changed the outcome as the votes were basically a 80%–20% vote at the end of it, if not 90%–10%.

Look, I know it sucks for your favourite Desktop Environment’s favourite customisation to be discontinued, but honestly this is for the best. What would you rather have, Feren OS Classic dead now so that it is at least still memorable for being a good customisation of Cinnamon with a lot of unique traits to it, or a Mint reskin? The way Cinnamon is going in recent time means that if Feren OS Classic kept being maintained by me then it would dwindle so much 3rd-party-support and flexibility wise that it’d risk becoming just a forgettable Linux Mint reskin because of the fact there would not be much left to use to make Feren OS Classic unique anymore.

You want to see what I mean on a large scale? Try out Feren OS 2016.2 Update 2 and then compare it to the Feren OS Classic of today. Try using both and looking at their flexibility, then you’ll realise Cinnamon has gone on a slow downward slope over the years. I wish it didn’t ever have to come to that, but I can’t do much about that now… only the community can stop Cinnamon from going down said downward slope now. The community is the lifeblood of Feren OS Classic’s unique-ness, and it’s dwindling in the world of Cinnamon…

All of these decisions, including the switch to KDE Plasma, were all chosen by the Feren OS Community. If you want to be a part of it, simply go into Vivaldi in Feren OS and open up the Feren OS icons on the left sidebar of Vivaldi to find the Social Media page links and get started.

KDE Plasma is a really nice desktop, and a near-perfect fit for Feren OS. It’s also getting near-Cinnamon-levels of user friendly nowadays, as seen in Feren OS. Just give it a try, try it on Feren OS April 2020 Snapshot.



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